Quotes By Lex Levinrad

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You should live your life and run your business according to the “CHIP” Principle. Be consistent, be honest, act with integrity and most importantly be persistent.Never give up!

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

The world is full of people that have great ideas that they never act upon. What the world really needs are more people that will act on their ideas instead of talking about them.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

To be really successful at something you need to be the best in your field of expertise. The only way you can achieve this is by specializing, putting in the hours and working hard. You cannot become an expert in anything if you give up without putting the time in.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

Why is it that 10% of the experts in any field are doing 90% of the business? The reason is simple. There is no competition! Most people are not willing to put the time in to become experts in their field and most people are too lazy to work as hard as they need to in order to make it to the top 10%.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

Don’t be a cynic. The world is full of skeptical people. Investigate the subject, educate yourself on it and then make an informed decision for yourself. Don’t rely on other people’s opinions.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

Don’t listen to anyone’s negative opinion. Everyone has a negative opinion. Instead surround yourself only with positive motivated people that have positive comments and always strive to be better and more successful.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

Praise people and they feel good and want to do better. Be liberal with praise and cautious with criticism.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

Be careful of what you listen to, who you associate with, what you read and watch on TV. Your brain absorbs everything that you hear and everything that you read and see. You will become an expert in whatever thing you spend the most hours per day doing.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

You should enjoy what you do for a living and if you don’t enjoy it then quit. You should look forward to going to work every day and if you don’t then you should look for something else that makes you feel alive. Many people would be more successful and happy if they made their passion their career.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

You are not stuck. You can change. You just need to make the decision to do it! Others have done it before you and you can too. But it starts with a single thought in your head that says:” I can do this”

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

Remember that you are who you think you are. If you have the right attitude then nothing can stop you. Doubt won’t stop you because you should never doubt yourself. Fear won’t stop you because you should not be afraid. Other people’s negative opinions should not matter to you because you should not listen to other people. The only thing you should listen to is your own confident inner voice.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

Life is too short to listen to other people or to worry and be afraid. Most of what we worry about never happens.We have only one life to live so we might as well live it without worry and fear. Worry and fear are useless emotions that hamper creativity and productivity.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

The next time you find yourself worrying about something remember this. Instead of worry, fear and doubt think instead about why you are happy. Be grateful for all of the things that you do have. Be happy that you are alive; be thankful for your health, your family, your friends, your community and your freedom. Be happy that you always have the power to change your situation.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

Know that the only thing that matters is right now. Not tomorrow and not yesterday but right now. Because our whole lives are based on a collection of small moments which are happening right now.”

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

If you want to create wealth you will need to learn how to stop trading your time for a paycheck.
You can make a lot more money in a lot less time by investing in real estate with a proven system that works.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

In business, if you are not on the web then you are dead! If your business does not have a website then what are you waiting for?

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

Your competitors are already online. If you are not then every day that goes by puts you one step closer to the unemployment line.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

It is much better to have leads come to you than for you to go out and solicit them. Cold calling works. But leads coming in without making a phone call works even better

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

Learn how to invest in real estate and how real estate creates wealth so that you can work hard and invest now to ensure a better future for yourself and your family.

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

I believe in working hard towards a goal. But I also believe in making every moment count. So when I am not working I live my life by the principle that I am not here for a long time but I am here for a good time! Work hard. But make sure you play even harder! Otherwise what’s the point?

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor

Be Brilliant! Be Exceptional! What are you good at? If you don’t know then you need to figure it out quick. Life is full of unexceptional people. Don’t be one of them. Do what you love and live your life with passion!

Lex Levinrad, Real Estate Investor, Author, Speaker and Mentor