

Get Your FREE Copy Of My Book “Wholesaling Bank Owned Properties”



Get Your FREE Copy Of My Book “Wholesaling Bank Owned Properties”

I have trained thousands of ​new ​real estate ​ investors how to wholesale and flip houses. Read this book to learn ​how you can get started wholesaling and flipping houses.

Learn how to wholesale real estate and flip houses with my proven and unique real estate wholesaling system. The easiest way to get started making money in real estate right now is by learning how to wholesale and flip houses. I will show you how you can get started flipping houses in this easy to read book about wholesaling.

“Wholesaling Bank Owned Properties” has been one of the best selling real estate books on Amazon for many years. And now more than ever, you need to read this book. This book specifically teaches you what wholesaling is, why wholesalers exist and how you can wholesale and flip any house including bank owned properties, short sales, and foreclosures.

You can see my book on Amazon Here >>

In this book, I teach you the difference between wholesale (distressed) real estate and regular (retail) real estate. I explain the concept of wholesaling, what wholesaling is, and how wholesaling works. If you are a new real estate investor and you are not familiar with wholesaling, this book will give you a great introduction. I explain key concepts that are important to understand if you want to flip houses. For example I explain why it is important to understand the “After Repair Value” (ARV) and how to estimate what a house can be sold for after it has been repaired. I explain the ARV formula to you in detail and show you why and how repair estimates, comparable sales, and the ARV are directly relating to knowing how much to offer on a property.

I also explain how you can wholesale and flip any type of property including houses you buy from motivated sellers, bank owned properties, short sales, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Hud Homes. You can even flip houses you find on online auction sites like Hubzu and auction.com. I require all of my new students to read this book and it is considered required reading and a crash course intro to wholesaling for all of my students who attend my Wholesaling Real Estate Boot Camp.

Learn How to Wholesale Real Estate & Flip Houses

Get Your FREE Copy Of My Book “Wholesaling Bank Owned Properties”

Here Are Just A Few Things You Will Learn:

  • The difference between wholesale real estate and retail real estate.
  • ​How to get started wholesaling and flipping houses.
  • ​How and why sellers become desperate to sell and how to find them.
  • ​Why sellers sell their homes for much less than their true value.
  • ​Why Bank Owned Properties And Short Sales Are Easy To Flip.
  • ​Understanding the After Repair Value (ARV) Formula.
  • ​Estimating what you can flip a house for and the profit potential.
  • ​Profit potentials from wholesaling real estate and flipping houses.
  • ​And much, much more...

Get Your FREE Copy Of My Book “Wholesaling Bank Owned Properties”

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Get Your FREE Copy Of My Book “Wholesaling Bank Owned Properties”

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