
Earnings Disclaimer and General Disclaimer

Earnings Disclaimer and General Disclaimer For All Real Estate Products, Courses, Boot Camps, Coaching Programs, Group Coaching and Private Coaching and General Disclaimer relating to all information on all Websites, Blogs, Capture Pages, and Live Events That Are Managed By, Promoted By, Owned Or Operated By Lex Levinrad And Or The Distressed Real Estate Institute™ and their staff and or affiliates or partners.

This General Disclaimer is for all products, courses, coaching programs, events, web sites, webinars, email promotions, domain names landing pages, promoted by or operated by Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute™. This disclaimer includes but is not limited to all of the real estate education and training products offered by Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute including the Partnership Program, Proof Of Funds Letter, Real Estate Forms Disc, Partnership Program Forms Disc, Transactional Funding, Private Lending, Distressed Real Estate Boot Camp, Fixing and Flipping Houses Boot Camp, Group Coaching, Inner Circles, Live Events and Private Coaching, Mentoring with Lex or any of the Distressed Real Estate Institute coaches and all real estate coaching and training programs now and in the future including all Home Study Courses, Books, CD’s, Videos, Forms, Powerpoint Presentations, Webinars, Teleseminars, written testimonials, verbal testimonials, emails, JV promotions, affiliate partnerships, affiliate promotions, pictures and video testimonials and other material related to Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute and any websites, capture pages, blogs or domains related to Lex Levinrad and or the Real Estate Institute or any of its affiliates, associates or partners or any website, email promotion or affiliate promotion of any other real estate related product or non real estate related product.

Potential purchasers of any of the products sold by Lex Levinrad or any affiliate promotions sold by or marketed by the Distressed Real Estate Institute understand and acknowledge the following:

Specific Disclaimer for The Partnership Program

The purpose of the Partnership Program is to have students locate suitable wholesale deals at 60% to 70% of After Repair Value (ARV). When the student finds a wholesale deal at a discount price we will market and advertise this property to cash buyers if we think it is a worthwhile deal for our investors. We do not guarantee that we will market your deal if it is not a deal (in our opinion) or if you do not comply with our policies as outlined at our Boot Camps and Partnership Program Orientation Sessions. If we do market your deal and we find a buyer then all profits will be split 50/50 net of closing costs and transactional funding fees. If you are a currently enrolled student in our training program you will need to sign a Partnership Program agreement and Terms of Use Agreement which will be provided to you and which you will need to sign in order to have access to our training program. The Partnership Program, Transactional Funding, Proof Of Funds Letter Web Site are only to be used for properties that you plan on partnering with us per the terms of the Partnership Program, Partnership Program Agreement and Terms of Use Agreement which you signed. You are prohibited from using the Proof of Funds Letter or any of the Forms or materials from our training program for any other purposes other than for Partnering with us on wholesale real estate deals. The purpose of the Partnership Program is for you to help us locate wholesale deals for our investors. We are looking for wholesale deals in Florida and not anywhere else in the U.S nor outside the borders of the United States. We are not interested in partnering with anyone on any real estate that is not located outside of Florida or not located in the United States. Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate institute do not agree to partner with any students on any deals that are not wholesale deals (meaning discounted deals at 60% to 70% of After Repair Value). Lex Levinrad will have the final say as to whether a property should or should not be marketed to our cash buyers and other investors and Lex Levinrad will have the final decision as to what constitutes a wholesale deal. The proof of funds letter is limited to a maximum dollar amount of $200,000 and is only to be used with the permission of the Distressed Real Estate Institute and within the guidelines of the Partnership Program as outlined at the Wholesaling Real Estate Boot Camp (which is mandatory to attend) and the Partnership Program Orientation on our online training site. These guidelines are discussed in detail at the Wholesaling Real Estate Boot Camp and you will be required to attend the Wholesaling Real Estate Boot Camp in order to be able to participate in the Partnership Program. Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute will not partner with anyone including Partnership Program Students, Private Mentoring Program Students, Real Estate Coaching Students, Group Mentoring Students and Real Estate Training Program students if their “deal” is not a wholesale deal and is not a discounted deal at 60% to 70% of After Repair Value (ARV). Lex Levinrad uses a comparable sales system based on Title Pro to evaluate the After Repair Value and Lex Levinrad has the final say and decision as to the After Repair Value of a property. In addition to this, Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute reserve the right to reject any deal for any reason whatsoever and the decision will be that of Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute. Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute reserve the right to reject any potential student for any reason at any time from any of our real estate training programs including the Partnership Program and Wholesaling Real Estate Boot Camp. If you are a wholesaler then your attending our training is a conflict of interest and you should not join our real estate training program. The purpose of our program is for our students to find deals for our investors, many of whom are also students. We can also reject any potential students for any reason whatsoever without being required to provide an explanation. If you are a difficult person, initiate a charge back, or you repeatedly choose to refuse to follow our instructions then we will no longer work with you and you will no longer be part of our training program. We will not issue you a refund if you attend all of our trainings and then refuse to abide by the terms and conditions of the terms of use agreement that you signed or the Partnership Program Agreement which you were required to sign when you joined our real estate training program. If we decide to market your wholesale deal to our cash buyers and other investors both online and offline we do not guarantee that we will find a cash buyer willing to buy your deal. Nothing that we say online or offline should be construed as a guarantee that we will find a cash buyer for your deal and we do not warrant or imply in any way that we can definitely find you a buyer for your deal. If your deal is a very good deal (according to us not according to you) with no illegal additions at a good wholesale price and is located in Florida then there is a very high likelihood that we will find you a cash buyer who is a landlord, investor or rehabber that would like to buy the property. However there is no guarantee that we will find you a cash buyer for your deal. Our primary method of marketing our deals to our cash buyers is via email blast which we send out daily. You acknowledge that our cash buyer database is primarily located in Florida and as such we have a much higher likelihood of finding a cash buyer in Florida.

If we do find a cash buyer, then all profit splits from deals will be split 50/50 net of all transactional funding fees and closing costs. In the event that a third party like another wholesaler or real estate agent finds a buyer then profits will be split equally between all 3 parties (unless the real estate agent adds a commission or another split is agreed upon). All profits are split net of all transactional funding fees and closing costs. Transactional funding fees are third party fees. Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute will not partner with anyone that is not a registered member of our real estate training program and Partnership Program. The Partnership Program access is valid for as long as you are a currently enrolled student paying the monthly fee to be in our training program. Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute will not fund any deals that do not pass the inspection and purchase price requirements of the Distressed Real Estate Institute. We will reject any deal that does not meet the guidelines as explained at the Wholesaling Real Estate Boot Camp and the Partnership Program Orientation. All wholesale deals will be closed at the title company that is selected by the Distressed Real Estate Institute and we only work with select and pre-approved title companies for double closings. We choose which title companies we work with and the student has NO say in which title company we use. You must use one of our approved title companies for the double closing. Partnership Program students, real estate coaching students and mentoring students will be required to use the property address and the words land trust after the property address as the buyers name on all purchase contracts for all properties. Students cannot use their own name or company name on the purchase contract if they want to partner with us on a real estate deal. If you use your own name or company name as the buyer then we will NOT partner with you, or market your deal or fund your deal. There are no exceptions. Students agree and acknowledge that the Distressed Real Estate Institute will establish a Florida Land Trust for the purpose of purchasing the property. The student acknowledges that Lex Levinrad and or one of his companies will be the 51% beneficiary of this land trust and the student or his/her company will be the 49% beneficiary of the land trust. Student agrees to comply with all requests for documents by the Distressed Real Estate Institute and any and all title companies involved in the transaction. Student will not the divulge property address or any material information about any potential deal under contract to anyone other than Lex Levinrad and will not bring any wholesale deal to anyone else including other wholesalers, realtors, investors etc. other than Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute while in our real estate training program and Partnership Program and utilizing the Proof of Funds Letter Web Site provided by the Distressed Real Estate Institute. The student is prohibited from marketing the deal themselves or trying to locate buyers for their deals and must not mention the property address or details of the transaction to anyone other than staff at the Distressed Real Estate Institute. The Distressed Real Estate Institute and Lex Levinrad reserve the right to terminate the relationship with the student at any time if for any reason they feel that the student’s behavior is inappropriate or uncooperative or violates the terms of the Partnership Program Agreement or terms of use agreement which the student signed before joining our real estate training program and being admitted to the Partnership Program. Student will not the market deals by themselves or share it with any wholesalers without first discussing it with the Distressed Real Estate Institute or notify anyone else of any deals that are accepted and will not share or divulge this information with anyone that is not directly associated with the Distressed Real Estate Institute. Proof of Funds Letter and access to our Real Estate Training Program and the Partnership Program are only valid as long as the student is paying the monthly membership fee. Prices are subject to change or increase at any time without prior notice.  If we promote a special price then that promotion is only applicable for that real estate investment club meeting, live event, online event or webinar and will no longer be available after midnight EST of the day of the promotion. All of our prices are subject to change at any time without prior notice.

Specific Disclaimer as to profits made by current and former students of Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute.

Please note that this earnings disclaimer relates to profits made by current and former students of Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute specifically profits referenced in live stage events, podcasts, webinars, real estate meetings, powerpoint presentations, teleseminars, boot camps, seminars, workshops, meetings, orientation sessions and live real estate events as well as online on video testimonials, audio testimonials, photos and written testimonials both online and offline including all videos on any of our websites or on YouTube, Vimeo, Itunes, Stitcher or any other web site not specifically listed.

Please note that the profit claims made by students of the Distressed Real Estate Institute are true only for those specific students and only for those specific houses and may not be true for other individuals. If claims about results from the Distressed Real Estate Boot Camp, Partnership Program or Mentoring Program are made then such claims are true only for the persons who made the claims, including claims made by current and former students of Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute.

Potential purchasers of any products sold by Lex Levinrad or the Distressed Real Estate Institute cannot simply rely on these statements as being duplicable by them because many factors can contribute and affect results. Some contributing factors include the amount of allocable time that the student has available to look for properties, budget and monetary restraints such as bills and household expenses, amount of time necessary to overcome the learning curve to learn how to wholesale, ability to operate as a real estate investor without income for a certain period of time, computer and technology skills, luck and many other contributing factors.

There is no guarantee that you will be successful or that you will wholesale or flip a house if you attend any of the real estate events training events, boot camps or coaching programs or purchase products sold or promoted by the Distressed Real Estate Institute. Some of my students have had a lot of success with my coaching programs and boot camps. However that does not mean or imply that because they had success with our boot camps and coaching programs and have made money that the same will happen to you. In this business there are no guarantees. And watching videos of my most successful students in no way implies or guarantees that you will be successful.

No material promoted by Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute should be construed as an easy way to make quick profits. There is no such thing as easy profits without work and time and effort. Hard work and many hours making offers on properties will be required in all cases by all students. Even with hard work there is no guarantee of results. Many students quit. This is a fact. It takes hard work to learn how to wholesale. And you will need to implement all of the tools and systems that you are taught. You will need to spend many hours searching for wholesale real estate deals and overcoming the learning curve prior to attaining success. The typical profile of a successful student was someone that was willing to spend 20 hours per week making offers on properties, talking to realtors and visiting properties. If you do not have the time to make offers then that may impede or hinder your success.  If you do not have the financial resources to make offers then you will not be successful either. It is no secret that over 90% of all real estate students do not even bother to finish reading the materials purchased, let alone implementing the practice steps and hard work required to be successful. The average learning curve of our students is 16 weeks (4 months) although we have many students that have successfully wholesaled houses in as little as a few weeks after attending their first boot camp. The effort you put into making offers will result in getting offers accepted. In other words the more properties you make offers on, the more likely you will get an offer accepted. If you want to get deals and get your offers accepted then must be ready to submit hundreds of offers. Yes I said hundreds of offers. If you don’t submit a lot of offers then you won’t get deals to wholesale which means you won’t make any money. We recommend to our students that they submit at least 5 offers per day which is 25 offers a week or 100 offers per month. If you are making offers on 100 houses and not getting a house under contract then you are doing something seriously wrong (like offering way too low).  You will need to make at least 5 offers every single day to be able to get a house under contract in order to have a chance of wholesaling and flipping it to a cash buyer. And remember that just because you got a house under contract does not guarantee that you will flip that house or make a profit. And you will have to put up a deposit with the title company which you may lose if you do not cancel before your inspection period is over.

Potential purchases of any products should not assume that they or any other students will have the same success like the students in the testimonials or videos during the live presentation or webinar made by Lex levinrad. These students’ results are not typical of the average student that attends a boot camp and the profit made by these students is an example of the most successful examples of students that have attained success and these results ARE NOT TYPICAL FOR MOST STUDENTS THAT ATTEND OUR BOOT CAMPS OR COACHING PROGRAMS. Most of these students were Private Coaching Students working directly with Lex Levinrad which substantially increased their chance of success. For this reason Lex recommends the Inner Circle Group Coaching or Private Coaching directly with Lex if you can afford it and  if it is within your budget and you are serious about real estate as a career and a business (not a hobby).These results are not typical of the average boot camp student and the potential purchaser of any of our real estate products, courses or boot camps and coaching programs should be aware of this and should not construe this as being the ‘average’ or usual success story. There is no such thing as a get rich scheme. If you are looking for quick profits with little efforts then this is not the program for you. If you are looking to work hard and roll up your sleeves then maybe our program is a good fit for you

Unfortunately, or fortunately the sad truth is that the most successful students are those that are willing to work the hardest. Being successful as a real estate investor requires work, time and effort and the average student will face a 4 month learning curve before all of the material starts to come together and makes sense for them. Some students take a lot longer than that. Case in point, Lex spent 2 full years working as a bird dog for two real estate investors BEFORE he had the confidence to go out on his own and start investing for himself. During this two year period Lex was not paid a salary. If he found a deal and the deal was flipped or purchase by an investor then he got paid 25% of the profit on the deal. Lex is offering you 50% of the deal (double what he made in his first two years). If you find the deal and Lex finds the buyer the deal is split 50/50 which is very fair. However it is UP TO YOU to find the deal. and it is UP TO YOU to apply the training, the principles, the systems and to PUT IN THE TIME to make offers and get through the learning curve. Some of our successful students took as long as 9 months to do their first deal! Most new investors will quit way before this learning curve is complete because of many reasons. Some of these reasons are lack of patience, lack of  money, lack of will, laziness, inability to learn or comprehend the subject material, impatience, the desire to get rich quick (you cannot get rich quick it is impossible), lack of desire or focus and inability or just plain lack of motivation to put in the hours necessary to be successful (that’s the plain hard truth folks and the truth hurts).

If the product the buyer is purchasing is a physical product like a Home Study Course, Audio CD Set, Forms Disc, Book, DVD etc. or a live coaching or group coaching or private coaching, the promotional materials that make claims about the results from the use of this product, boot camp or coaching program, buyer hereby warrants that they understand that these results are not typical and that they should not necessarily expect the same results for themselves. Purchasing this or any other product will not necessarily deliver those same results to any particular buyer and in fact most buyers who purchase this product do absolutely nothing with it (the cold hard truth hurts folks).The buyer also acknowledges that after purchase of the product and receipt of the product the amount paid for the product is NOT REFUNDABLE . We do this to stop people from copying our material and returning the product. Yes it is not nice that we have to do this but people do try and copy our material and return it (they even have the audacity to tell us this). That is why we have a NO REFUND POLLICY to prevent this from happening.  If you purchase any of our products you are not allowed to copy any of our copyrighted material and are not allowed to share, loan or gift our products including our books, forms and Home Study Courses, coaching materials, access to any of our sites etc. to anyone. Buyer is prohibited from putting any of our products or courses online anywhere including on Ebay, Craigslist or any other online auction site. We will protect our copyright vigorously to the fullest extent and maximum amount permissible by law.

There is a recurring monthly membership fee of $97 per month which will be required to be paid to continue having access to our real estate training program, the partnership program, proof of funds letter and online training site. If you paid for an annual membership then your $97 per month membership fee may have been included for the first 12 months and your monthly membership fee of $97 per month will begin 12 months from the date that you signed up.

Where this disclaimer and claims made in sales and promotional materials or the product are in conflict, this Purchase Agreement shall be controlling except, and unless, the Seller deliberately misled the Buyer or if such construction would cause material inequity. The sole burden is on the Buyer to substantiate any deliberate deception. Buyer accepts the obligation to reimburse the Seller for all court costs, investigation costs, attorney fees, and all litigation-related costs in the event Buyer brings suit against the Seller and does not prevail in court or at arbitration. In the event of a dispute buyer agrees that the venue and location for resolving the dispute will be in the State of Florida in Broward or Palm Beach County and that the dispute will be resolved by arbitration.

No warranties are made whatsoever about the amount of money, if any, that buyer will make or profit from any material or product or service sold by the Distressed Real Estate Institute and buyer warrants and understands that all claims verbal or otherwise by anyone including past students, past employees, current employees or associates of the Distressed Real Estate Institute about success of past students does not necessarily mean that buyer will meet with any success. Technology is important when making offers. If your computer skills are limited then you will be at a substantial disadvantage to other investors with better computer skills. You will be required to have a digital camera, a computer, internet access, a pdf scanner and will need to be proficient in the use of all of these in order to submit offers and communicate with our offices in a timely manner. If you are broke and cannot afford a computer, scanner, smart phone etc. then you should probably look for a job instead of signing up for this program. If you are not working or are broke then PLEASE GET A JOB and do not rely on this or any other product to save you from your financial situation. It is impossible to learn how to wholesale if you do not have a job or any income or a way to pay your bills, your rent, your mortgage etc.  DO NOT GO INTO DEBT OR USE A CREDIT CARD to pay for this program if you cannot reasonably pay off that credit card in a reasonable period of time. You will need to have at least $1,000 deposit when you make offers on properties and we will not put up deposits for you. You will need to have the cash to put up deposits on every property that you get under contract. In some cases deposits can be as much as 10% of the purchase price. And while you are making offers and trying to get houses under contract you will need to have a way to pay your monthly expenses and bills especially for the first 6 months while you learn. YOU CANNOT RELY ON THIS PROGRAM to pay your bills. If you do then you will waste your money and be disappointed. If you need a quick way to pay your bills then go get a job NOW. Wholesaling real estate is a business. It is competitive. It takes time to learn. No business creates instant profits. But if you apply yourself and work hard you can make money flipping properties. When you start learning how to wholesale in many cases you are competing with other buyers that may have much more money than you. As such you need to treat it like a business. This is a business and it will require startup costs, time and money and training in order to be successful. And it will require a learning curve. A reasonable period of time for a learning curve is 4 to 6 months. If you are not willing to put in the startup capital, invest with your time and your money and educate yourself and complete the training then you won’t be successful.

Specific Disclaimer About Our Refund Period

The student (Buyer) understands and acknowledges that there are NO REFUNDS after you purchase the product so please do your research about our program before you decide to sign up since we will not issue a refund under any circumstances. In the event that the student is on the monthly payment plan then the buyer will NOT be able to attend live events, or have access to support, proof of funds letter or the online training site if their monthly payment is declined. Students on an annual plan will be required to pay the $97 monthly membership fee every month beginning one year from the date that they enrolled in our real estate training program. In the event that the buyer does not attend the boot camps they will not be entitle to a refund of any kind. It is the buyer’s responsibility to make sure that the Distressed Real Estate Institute has a valid email address and cell phone number for you so that we are able to reach you and that the Distressed Real Estate Institute emails are not going into the students spam or junk folder since email is our primary form of communication. Please notify us if you change your email address. We send out emails a few times a week. Please let us know if you are not receiving our emails. Please whitelist any emails from @lexlevinrad.com and @lexrealestategroup.com so that you receive our emails in your inbox and they do not go to your promotions or spam. For any questions about this Disclaimer please email support@lexrealestategroup.com or call our office at (561) 948617-2127

Specific Disclaimer for our Private Coaching and Inner Circle Training Programs

Our Advanced Inner Circle and Private Coaching Programs are valid for a period of 12 months from the date when the student signed up. Student is required to attend all Inner Circle Training and Private Coaching Sessions (if a private coaching student) within a 12 month period. At the end of the 12 month period there is a monthly fee of $500 to remain in the coaching program and have access to the Inner Circles. Please note that if you sign up for any of our coaching programs and then stop your payment schedule that you agreed to, then if at a later date you decide to continue your coaching then you will need to sign up at the new coaching rates that are effective on the date when you renew your membership (which will be substantially higher). There are no exceptions to this policy. Our coaching prices have increased exponentially as demand has increased and we cannot offer you to continue your coaching payments at a lower price point if by your own free will you stop payments, your credit card is declined or you discontinue your coaching sessions. Please note that Private Coaching with Lex is in very high demand and there is no guarantee that Lex will continue to do one on one coaching with students in the future. This may discontinue at any time. If you stop your payments for any reason and discontinue your coaching then if you decide to return you may find that the prices are significantly higher and that you will no longer be eligible for one on one coaching with Lex (since Lex has hired coaches to replace him). We do not guarantee that Lex will have time to perform one on one coaching with you unless you specifically complete all of your one on one coaching sessions within the 12 months from the date that you first signed up. If you discontinue payments or stop your coaching sessions then you acknowledge that in the future if you decide to return to our coaching program you will be coming in at the higher price point that is the prevailing price when you continue your payments. You also acknowledge that if you do not complete your coaching sessions with Lex or attend the Inner Circle events within the first 12 months of signup then you will no longer be able to attend future Inner Circle Events or Private Coaching Sessions with Lex. We reserve the right to increase our prices for all of our events and all of our coaching programs at any time and without prior notice. If you stop your payments and discontinue your coaching then you will not be able to resume your coaching unless you pay the current prevailing rates and if you are a Private Coaching Student there is no guarantee that Lex will be your coach (since you may get another coach and not Lex).

Specific Disclaimer for Force Majeure And Unpredicted Events or Acts of God With Regards to Live Events, Boot Camps and Inner Circles

In no event shall the organizer and host of the event, or the Distressed Real Estate Institute LLC or Lex Levinrad be responsible or liable for any failure or delay, cancellation or rescheduling of any live event and will not be responsible or liable in the performance of its obligations arising out of or caused  directly or indirectly, by forces beyond its control, including, without limitation, strikes, work stoppages, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, riots, power outages, war, terrorism, epidemic, pandemic, explosions, water or sewage outages or any other unforeseen event not specifically listed including accidents, acts of war or terrorism, civil or military disturbances, nuclear or natural catastrophes or acts of God, and interruptions, loss or malfunctions of utilities, communications or computer software and hardware services.

In the event of any force majeure, act of god, natural disaster or unpredictable or unforeseen event such as a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, riots, power outages, war, terrorism, epidemic, pandemic, explosions, water or sewage outages or any other unforeseen event not specifically listed above, we will not be held responsible for this unpredictable event under any circumstances. In the event that a boot camp, inner circle or training event is cancelled due to unforeseen or unpredictable events such as any of those listed above or by a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, riots, power outages, war, terrorism, pandemic, explosions, water or sewage outages we will not issue a refund for the cost of your ticket to attend the event nor will we reimburse you under any circumstances for plane tickets, travel costs, hotel stays, car rentals, or any other expenses related to attending the event. We strongly advice and encourage you to purchase travel insurance if you are flying in or booking hotels for the event. In the event of a boot camp or training event cancellation we will give you a 2 years credit to attend another boot camp or similar training with no additional fee. In the event that the hotel hosting the event is out of power or closed due to an act of nature such as a hurricane, tornado, water, sewer or power outage or for any other unforeseen reason, then our best efforts will be utilized to try and locate an alternative location to host the boot camp or training event. However if no alternative location is available, or if it is not possible to have the event at another location due to circumstances beyond our control then the event will be rescheduled to a future date and all registered students will receive an email notification of the change of date of the event. Under no circumstances will any refunds and be issued and we will not be held liable under any circumstances for your cost of hotel, travel, plane tickets, car rental or any other travel expenses. Please get travel insurance since we will not under any circumstances issue a refund. If a boot camp or training event is cancelled you will have a credit to attend the same boot camp in the future without any charge to you.

Please refer to the additional disclaimers on the terms of service use agreement that you signed when you signed up for our real estate training program. We reserve the right to make changes to this disclaimer and to the terms of use agreement and by signing up for our program or visiting our website you acknowledge that we reserve the right to make these changes at any time without being required to notify you. Please visit this page again in order to see updated disclaimers.